Wholesale White Spray Roses Delivered Online | FlowerFarm


Embrace the delicate charm of White Spray Roses in your floral creations. With their petite blooms and abundance of small buds, these roses add a touch of grace and versatility to any arrangement. White Spray Roses are perfect for creating romantic, textured bouquets or as accent flowers to complement a variety of color schemes. Bring the beauty of our fields to your doorstep. Order your flowers today and enjoy the farm-fresh difference, delivered by FlowerFarm.
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Total Delivered
Grade/Length: 50 CM
Units per Box: 100 stem
Delivered Unit Price: $1.30
Delivered Case Price: $129.77
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:
Origin: MIAMI
Grade/Length: 50 CM
Units per Box: 120 stems
Delivered Unit Price: $1.90
Delivered Case Price: $228.04
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:

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